Bowen Therapy is a holistic remedial body technique that works on the mechanoreceptors and soft connective tissue (fascia) of the body. Bowen therapy can be used to treat musculoskeletal or related neurological problems including acute sports injuries and chronic or organic conditions. It is gentle and relaxing and does not use forceful manipulation.
Bowen therapy is performed on the superficial and deep fascia. The fascia, or soft tissue, is the part of the connective tissue that envelops, separates and influences every organ and tissue in the body. The gentle moves are performed in precise locations to gain maximal influence of the receptors of the nervous system with minimal inputs.
Between Bowen movements, the therapist will leave the room for approximately 2 minutes to let the body do the work. This element of allowing the body to rest for a few minutes is where the process of repair is initiated, and this is an important part of the healing. The most fundamental principle of Bowen is that it is the client that is doing the work, and for this to happen, the body needs time.
Bowen Therapy can help treat the following:
The Bowen technique is safe to use on anyone, from newborns to the elderly and for any musculoskeletal or related neuromuscular complaint. It is a holistic treatment that treats the whole person and aims to treat the cause of problems, rather than the symptoms.
1st Time Consultation/Treatment 90 Minutes $165.00
Subsequent Follow Up Appointments:
60 Minutes $115.00
75 Minutes $145.00
90 Minutes $165.00
1st Time Visit & Follow Up Appointments for Babies & Children 0-12:
45 Minutes $85.00
Response to Bowen varies from individual to individual and condition to condition. Your response is uniquely your own and therefor the number of sessions needed varies widely
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30%-50% OFF
We have had to make the difficult decision to close down our Refillery at the end of January in order to use the space for more treatment services.
So take advantage off the savings and bring down your bottles to refill!! (We also still have some containers left to sell as well if you don't have anything to bring)
Lots of other great retail on sale too in the Refillery area! Stop by and check it all out!!